Registration Id:
Event: new name, new nomenclatural type
Sellaphora queretana in PhytoKeys 88: 50, fig. 133–144. 11 Oct 2017
Holotype: Stream Los Ailes 1, close to the town San Pedro, Huimilpan, Querétaro, Mexico, alt. 2358 m, 20°19'58.72"N, 100°15'17.09"W (WGS84), 18 Sep 2013, D. Mora (B: B 40 0042009)
published in: Mora, D., Carmona, J., Jahn, R., Zimmermann, J. & Abarca, N. 2017: Epilithic diatom communities of selected streams from the Lerma-Chapala Basin, Central Mexico, with the description of two new species. – PhytoKeys 88: 39-69
Registration on 2017-11-06 23:00:00 +0100 in PhycoBank Berlin