PhycoBank is the registration system for nomenclatural acts (new names, new combinations and types) of algae. Algae are a very diverse group of organisms and are covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi and plants, ICN (Turland & al. 2018). PhycoBank will serve both the scientific phycological community and the international open access biodiversity information infrastructures. For botanical registration initiatives within the framework of ICN, please see Barkworth et al. (2016a, b).
PhycoBank Data Portal: This Data Portal will constitute the primary registration interface for PhycoBank. To date, more than 2,300 nomenclatural acts can be searched by taxonomic keywords (higher taxa), genus, scientific name, and author.
Nomenclatural authors are standardised according to the community standards.
PhycoBank development: PhycoBank will support the registration of new names and nomenclatural acts submitted directly by nomenclatural authors or automatically via cooperating publishers. Each nomenclatural act will have a unique PhycoBank registration number automatically linking to the corresponding metadata in human- and machine-readable formats. In addition to the query for taxon names, searches on registration date, type of act, and nomenclatural type will be provided. Feedback mechanisms, annotations, and appropriate treatments of ambiregnal taxa will also be incorporated. Interoperability with the global names infrastructure will be achieved via standardized web services.
PhycoBank uses the Platform for Cybertaxonomy and its underlying Common Data Model (CDM).
For authors: If you are an author of new names, new combinations or new nomenclatural types (including epitypes) of algae, please contact the project staff to get your registration IDs and more information on PhycoBank
E-mail contact:
Starting self-registration (coming soon)
User interface for voluntary data entry
Frequently asked questions:
User guide (under construction)
How to cite PhycoBank: PhycoBank: Registration of Nomenclatural Acts of Algae. Available from, accessed [DATE].
Who is publishing new algal names, recognised in PhycoBank: Personal names, standard forms, identifiers (under construction)
Who is behind PhycoBank?
Wolf-Henning Kusber (PhycoBank Phycologist, Curator)
Andreas Kohlbecker (PhycoBank Information Scientist)
Heba Mohamad (PhycoBank Student Researcher)
Regine Jahn (PhycoBank PI)
Walter G. Berendsohn (PhycoBank PI, Head, Department of Research and Biodiversity Informatics)
Anton Güntsch (PhycoBank PI, Director Center for Biodiversity Informatics and Collection Data Integration)
Jonas Zimmermann (PhycoBank, Head, Diatom Research Group)
Phycobank is developed by the BGBM Berlin with funding from the German Research Foundation (JA 874/8-1, 2016-2019)
Barkworth M. E., Watson M., Barrie F. R., Belyaeva I. V., Chung R. C. K., Dašková J., Davidse G., Dönmez A. A., Doweld A. B., Dressler S., Flann C., Gandhi K., Geltman D., Glen H. F., Greuter W., Head M. J., Jahn R., Janarthanam M. K., Katinas L., Kirk P. M., Klazenga N., Kusber W.-H., Kvaček J., Malécot V., Mann D. G., Marhold K., Nagamasu H., Nicolson N., Paton A., Patterson D. J., Price M. J., Prud’homme van Reine W., Schneider C. W., Sennikov A., Smith G. F., Stevens P. F., Yang Z.-L., Zhang X.-C. & Zuccarello G. C. 2016a: (276–279) Proposals to provide for registration of new names and nomenclatural acts. - Taxon 65 (3): 656-658. DOI
Barkworth M. E., Watson M., Barrie F. R., Belyaeva I. V., Chung R. C. K., Dašková J., Davidse G., Dönmez A. A., Doweld A. B., Dressler S., Flann C., Gandhi K., Geltman D., Glen H. F., Greuter W., Head M. J., Jahn R., Janarthanam M. K., Katinas L., Kirk P. M., Klazenga N., Kusber W.-H., Kvaček J., Malécot V., Mann D. G., Marhold K., Nagamasu H., Nicolson N., Paton A., Patterson D. J., Price M. J., Prud’homme van Reine W., Schneider C. W., Sennikov A., Smith G. F., Stevens P. F., Yang Z.-L., Zhang X.-C. & Zuccarello G. C. 2016b: Report of the Special Committee on Registration of Algal and Plant Names (including fossils). - Taxon 65 (3): 670–672. DOI
Greuter W., Raab Straube E. & Berendsohn W. G. (eds) 1999: IAPT Registration of Plant Names Database [online]. International Association for Plant Taxonomy. [2016-07-01]. Available from <>.
Kohlbecker A. 2017: W01 [Workshop 01]: Establishing a global registration system of algal names and types. Pp. 36-37 in: N.N. (ed.): TDWG 2017. Biodiversity Information Standards. Ottawa, Canada. 1-6 October 2017. Published on the Internet at:
Kusber W.-H. 2019: Does algal nomenclature provide what taxonomic governance needs? - International Union of Biological Sciences. Unifying Biology Through Diversity. Talk and abstract, Oslo. Published on the Internet at:
Kusber W.-H., Kohlbecker A., Güntsch A., Berendsohn W.G. & Jahn R. 2018: Registration of diatom novelties in - P.93 in: Kusber W.-H., Abarca N., Van A. L. & Jahn R. (ed.), Abstracts of the 25th International Diatom Symposium, Berlin 25–30 June 2018. – Berlin: Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin. – 198 pp. doi:
Kusber W.-H., Kohlbecker A., Güntsch A., Berendsohn W.G., Jahn R. 2017: The public trial run of PhycoBank - Registration of Nomenclatural Acts for Algae. - Pp. 35-36 in N.N. (ed.): Abstract Book II Posters. XIX International Botanical Congress, Shenzhen Conventuon & Exhibition Center July 23-29, 2017, Shenzhen.
Kusber W.-H., Kohlbecker A., Güntsch A., Berendsohn W.G. & Jahn R. 2017: PhycoBank – Registration of nomenclatural acts for diatomists and diatom research. - P. 40-41 in: Kopalová K., Bishop J. & Van de Vijver B. (ed.): Program & Abstracts, 11th Central European Diatom meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, 22-25 March 2017. - Charles University, Prague.
Kusber W.-H., Kohlbecker A., Güntsch A., Berendsohn W.G., Jahn R. 2017: Registration of names and types of algae by PhycoBank. - In: Bąk M., Dąbek P. & Witkowski A. (ed.): Abstracts of papers to be presented at the 11th International Phycological Congress, Szczecin, Poland 13–19 August 2017. - Phycologia 54 (4) Suppl.: 110.
Kusber W.-H., Kohlbecker A., Mohamad H., Güntsch A., Berendsohn W.G. & Jahn R. 2019: Registration of Algal Novelties in Phycobank: Serving the scientific community and filling gaps in the global names backbone.Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 3: e37285.
Kusber W.-H., Kohlbecker A., Mohamad H., Güntsch A., Berendsohn W. G. & Jahn R. 2019: How to register algal novelties in PhycoBank. – P. 230 in: Bosak S. & Ljubešić Z. (ed.): Seventh European Phycological Congress Zagreb, Croatia 25–30 August 2019. Programme and Book of Abstracts. European Journal of Phycology, 54 (suppl. 1).
Turland N.J., Wiersema J.H., Barrie F.R., Greuter W., Hawksworth D.L., Herendeen P.S., Knapp S., Kusber W.-H., Li D.-Z., Marhold K., May T.W., McNeill J., Monro A.M., Prado J., Price M.J. & Smith G.F. (ed.) 2018: International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Shenzhen Code) adopted by the Nineteenth International Botanical Congress Shenzhen, China, July 2017. – Glashütten: Koeltz Botanical Books. doi: