Registration Id:

Event: new name, new nomenclatural type

Seagriefia Stegenga, J.J.Bolton & R.J.Anderson, Seaweeds of the South African West Coast. Contributions from the Bolus Herbarium 18: 450. 30 Oct 1997

NullTypeDesignationStatus<66587685-d48a-47e8-8e00-204a16792229>: Seagriefia fasciculifera Stegenga, J.J.Bolton & R.J.Anderson

published in: Stegenga, H., Bolton, J.J. & Anderson, R.J. 1997: Seaweeds of the South African West Coast. Contributions from the Bolus Herbarium 18: 450

Registration on 1998-01-04 23:00:00 +0100 in Berlin